“Emotional Histories of the Left: A Conversation on Left Melancholia”

Emotional Histories of the Left: A Conversation on Left Melancholia

A Panel at the Remarque Institute, New York University, chaired by Stefanos Geroulanos, 1 March 2024 (video – you may follow along using the transcript)

Enzo Traverso, Cornell University
“Left-Wing Melancholia: A Hidden Tradition” (7:20)

Lise Butler, City, University of London and Remarque Fellow
“Social Science and the Moral Foundations of British Social Democracy” (30:00)

Vassilis Lambropoulos, University of Michigan
“Poetry Between Revolution and Melancholia” (43:00)

Jessi Jezewska Stevens, Columbia University and Other Stories Press
“Irony as Antidote to Left Melancholia?” (56:00)

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